<%@ Page Language="C#" ContentType="text/htm" ResponseEncoding="iso-8859-1" %> CWDR_LifeSkill
  "Working women changing Society"     "Working women changing Society"
Switzerland Branch
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Norwegian Branch
London Based Arobanam Children's Fund
Our life skill course

The prolonged war and displacement has destroyed the traditional cohesive communities. Communities have been broken up. As a result, traditional channels of transferring life wisdom from the older members of a cohesive community to the younger generation have been lost for these displaced communities. Some of the traditional knowledge that is indispensable includes good nutrition habits, traditional medicines for common ailments, child rearing and reproductive health. There is a need to pass this knowledge to the women by other channels. In addition to the transfer of this knowledge to the younger generation, instilling progressive ideas on gender equality and domestic violence also will help women to improve the quality of their lives. CWDR through its established network runs classes for women to impart this knowledge.

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A Life skill course in a Village

The life skill course we run is typically nine days long. We split it across three months running three consecutive day courses for each month. Our classes include lessons on, the legal system concerning women, leadership, domestic violence, gender equality, and individual health. These courses are open to both men and women.  Very shy women who have followed these courses have gathered the confidence and leadership skills.

In Kilinochchi, CWDR and OXFAM have run campaigns through the mass media and pamphlets on the rights of women, focusing on domestic violence.

n Batticaloa, CWDR and ILO have run programs to raise awareness of child rights. The main focus was to encourage the girl children to resume their disrupted education.

IWe have conducted several workshops on Child Rights for those working with children as well as for parents.

Street drama

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A Street drama On gender issues
One of our big success stories is the street drama we produced about how various societal forces keeps women down. Among the themes handled in this street drama are, domestic violence, reluctance to let wives go to work, dowry, looking down on men who help their wives with house work, and forcing widows to backstage in society. OXFAM funded the production of the drama. It has been staged innumerable times.
Several awareness workshops held
A series of training workshops were held by CWDR over a period of six months in the Kilinochchi and Mullaithivu districts. In total 13 such workshops were held in this period. Each of the workshop was attended by about 40 men and women. (more)
Awareness workshops held in backward villages
A series of training workshops were held by CWDR from 12 July till 30 July 2007 in the backward villages in Mullaithivu district. About 40 men and women attended this training workshop from several villages. (more)